Monday 25 November 2013

Newsprint transfer on wood.

Hi fellow crafters and craft lovers,

In the task to complete a commission order of a bulk 200 keychains, I had to go through the process of giving a background colour for my wooden base. This gave me a wider scope for colour combinations, rather than a plain wooden background (which would have been very monotonous for me to work as well). 

I happen to stumble upon the idea of transferring newsprint on wood. I found it easy and fun. Although I came across many techniques, I decided to complete this project using my favourite material- MOD PODGE. The results were amazing as well!!

Let's begin..
Materials required-

  • Any wooden base  (I have taken keychain in this case)
  • Mod Podge
  • Flat brush
  • Stylus or any used credit card
  • Newspaper            (Cut to required size)       


  • Apply a generous even layer of Mod Podge over the wood with the help of flat brush.
  • Place the paper on top. Make sure the newsprint to be transferred comes in contact with the Mod Podge layer. Remember the transferred image is always a mirror image!!!
  • The paper can be either a news paper or any used A4 sheet with print on it. black print is preferable. Avoid glossy and thick sheets.
  • Leave for few seconds for it to set.
  • With the help of stylus or a used credit/debit card, carefully rub over the paper with the edge with pressure just enough to transfer the print. Make sure the paper doesn't peel. This is the process where the news print is transferred to the wood. 
  • Now slowly peel off the paper and the apply a thin layer of mod podge
  • Leave it to dry. Result....

You can also transfer images by the same method from paper to wood.
It is difficult to decipher what image I have transferred but I just wanted a part of a big print to serve the purpose of a background.

Below are the completed keychains with news print backgorund...

Hope the above tutorial was useful..
See you in the next article!!


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